Hello From KD5PNT

Andrew Lee



There's a Drake TR3 transceiver, a Drake 2-B receiver and a Johnson Viking II with a Uniden scanner way on top.  Not shown is a Drake L-4B amp....  It's locked up for safe keeping!!!



Looks like a Hallicrafter HT44 transmitter and a Hallicrafter SX-117 receiver on the top along with a Heath HW-101 below with a Heath IM-18 VTVM (vacuum tube volt meter)  beside  the Heath speaker/power supply.



Say hello to a Siltronix (Swan) 1011D transceiver with speaker, along with a FC-76 frequency display.



There's also a Hallicrafter S-38B receiver on the right and a 1923 Tuska 223 on the left.



Here's an original 1934 Astatic microphone made before they moved the factory.



Here we have a HP-606A signal generator, a power supply with a 4-125 amplifier on top, then a Hallicrafter PM-23 speaker with a Precision Electronics 202 audio signal tracer on top.



On the work bench Andy has a Heath SB-200 amp sitting on top of a Hallicrafter SX-101 Mk3.



And here we have a fine looking Viking AM station, it's like turning the clock back 50 years!



 And finally we have more American made items, Kali on the left and a 17 pounder called "Monster". Well named!!.....